This service is offered by the Ministry to employers to report the absence of an employee for a period exceeding seven days without the employer being aware of that employee’s location and without being able to contact him/her.

Documents Required

  • Employee's entry and exit movement report issued by the Federal Authority for Identity, Residence, and Port Security , provided that the report period does not exceed 30 days from the date of issuance.
  • Obtain a document indicating the employee's status (inside the country) from the competent authorities if the information did not reach the Ministry's systems.

Terms and Conditions

  • Absence from work for a period exceeding seven days within the country must occur.
  • Payment of any fines incurred by reason of late issuance or non-renewal of work permits (if any).
  • The employee must be present inside the country
  • In the event that the employer is unaware of the employee's location or can't contact him/her, he/she must report the matter to the Ministry.
  • Work permit is automatically canceled once the application is approved by the ministry, excepted the permits for recruiting employees from abroad and transfer permits.

Service fee

  • TYPING 76.14 AED