This service is provided by the Ministry to employers wishing to cancel work Cancellation of a worker outside

Documents Required

  • Ministry-issued cancellation request form
  • Attach relevant documents according to the type of cancellation
  • Cancellation of a worker outside the country: Residence visa details

Terms and Conditions

  • Payment of any fines incurred by reason of late issuance or non-renewal of work permits (if any). Unused work permits are excluded.
  • An official statement issued by the establishment confirming that the worker's rights, dues and entitlements have been fully satisfied.
  • Employee's signature indicating their agreement to cancellation, and acknowledging receipt of all labor dues. Excluded from this rule are employees who are overseas, deceased, suffering from contagious diseases or employees who have been administratively canceled, after being removed from the Identity, Nationality, Customs and Port Security System.

Service fee

  • TYPING 76.14 AED